LIKAS:Assemblyman Datuk Liew Teck Chan on Monday questioned why only now the National Registration Department (NRD) is aware that there are still many people in Sabah without birth certificates even though the matter has existed for a very long time.
Debating the government policy speech at the State Legislative Assembly, he was referring to a statement by Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman that there are "40,000 Malaysians" in Sabah without the birth certificate or other forms of valid identification documents.
Abu Seman, he said, had stated that in Semporna alone, there are about 4,000 people without identification documents.
According to him, the Federal Government has been requested prior to this to assist genuine Sabah locals to obtain birth certificates and identification documents especially those living in the interior and remote areas.
"So, I am of the opinion that the officers in the NRD should have conducted their duty with full responsibility according to the guideline and existing laws when issuing birth certificates for late registration,” he said.
In fact, he said Abu Seman stated that a mobile registration service is in the process of conducting visits to several districts in Sabah to help register those without birth certificate.
To this, Liew said Sabah NRD should employ more locals from Sabah to work for the department and empower them to vet the applications for identification documents.
"I am confident and firmly believe that local officers are more knowledgeable and know who the applicants are," he said.
Liew also raised the issue of power disruptions in several areas in Sabah.
He said the recent blackouts in QEH 1 really caused concern among the people because of the danger and risk it posed to the patients receiving treatment and check-ups.
He said the situation was aggravated when the emergency generator failed to function during the critical period.
Because of the power disruption, the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) had to stop giving treatment to the patients there temporarily until power was restored, he said.
"It was also reported that most of the blood kept in the blood bank became bad and thus had to be discarded,” he said.
To this, he said if there were cases of emergency during that critical period, it would have had serious repercussion on the patients.
On water, Liew said many areas in Sabah such as Kudat, Beaufort, Lahad Datu, Kuala Penyu and also in rural areas, among others, were still facing water supply problems.
He said there was simply inadequate clean water for supply to the population in the areas concerned.
At this juncture, he asked why the problem could not be settled.
The RM235 million Milau Dam, he said, started operating in July last year but water supply in Kudat is still not settled.
The problem, he said, was due to several cases of broken pipes.
Daily Express
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Page 3
I think these 40,000 'Malaysians' without identification under NRD should be investigated before their status can be approved, this is to ensure that they are truly Malaysians and not illegal immigrants. The NRD was urged to stop the registration process for the time being, this was brought up by Anifah Aman and was backed up by Sairin and Kurup.
ReplyDeleteI think by asking the Federal Government is the best option after all.
DeleteHopefully the Water Supply problem can be amended by the State Government so that the locals may enjoy uninterrupted clean water supply in rural areas. The Milau Dam should also be looked into so that it can start settling the problem.
ReplyDeleteI hope the state government with help those in the rural areas
ReplyDeleteThere are still existing problems in the remote areas. So the government need to buck up their things to put them through.
DeleteMemang masih banyak masalah di Sabah terutamanya kawasan pedalaman. Haraplah kerajaan kaan terus berusaha membangunkan kawasan pedalaman.
DeleteThere is need for proper investigation on this matter.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a simple accusation. The NRD should show something.
DeleteI suppose NRD should have a way of sorting this issue.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, never sway by the opposition's accusation.
DeleteFetch out the illegal immigrants in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBanyak PTI telah dihantar balik ke negara asal masing2. Jadi saya rasa mungkin ada yang masih menggunakan identiti orang lain untuk kekal di sini.
DeleteHopefully NCR tribunal will be established soon.
ReplyDeleteJPN kena pasti mereka yang akan didaftarkan benar2 anak jati dan bukan warga asing, semoga pendaftaran berjalan lanca
ReplyDeleteibu bapa seharusnya ada kesedaran untuk mendafatar sijil kelahiran anak2 mereka dgn segera.
ReplyDeleteMungkin patut buat peraturan kot, mana-mana ibubapa yang sengaja daftar lambat sijil kelahiran anak mereka kena penjara atau denda. hehhee. Baru pada muka:P
Deleteada ibubapa yang tidak tahu kepentingan mendaftarkan kelahiran anak, dan ada juga ibubapa yang tidak mampu untuk keluar berurusan bagi mendaftarkan kelahiran anak akibat faktor kemiskinan dan jarak.. sebab itu program seperti ini dilaksankan..
DeleteBaguslah dorang sedar.. Dariopada langsung tak sedar!!!!
ReplyDeleteSegerakan tindakan, jangan lagi tangguh.
Delete"..Sabah NRD should employ more locals from Sabah to work for the department and empower them to vet the applications for identification documents."
ReplyDeleteBagus juga cadangan ni, but first tingkatkan kualiti kerja dulu sebab ramai macam mana sekalipun kalau kerja lambat dari kura-kura sama juga cerita.
saya juga mahu mencadangkan supaya pihak2 yang membantah pelaksanaan pendaftaran bergerak oleh JPN ini dapat menubuhkan satu badan pemantau bagi mengawasi aktiviti JPN bagi mengelakkan penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh jabatan itu.. itupun kalau pihak yang membantah itu serius mahu membela nasib rakyat tempatan Sabah..
DeleteMasih banyak masalah yang berlaku di Sabah belum diselesaikan. Harap kerajaan akan buat yang terbaik untuk menanggani smeua masalah yang timbul.
ReplyDeletemalangnya ada masa2 tertentu dimana pemimpin2 pembangkang bersetuju dengan kewujudan masalah itu dan ada masa2 tertentu dimana pemimpin2 hipokrit ini menafikan kewujudan masalah itu..
DeletePelbagai persoalan mula timbul mengenai perkara ini. Apa sudah jadi sebenarnya dengan JPN yang ingin mendaftarkan program bergerak kepada penduduk semporna ini. Yang pasti niat sebenar JPN adalah membantu menyelesaikan masalah penduduk yang mempunyai hak mereka.
ReplyDeletetujuan sebenar sememangnya untuk membantu penduduk yang masih belum memiliki sijil lahir.. tapi disebabkan pilihanraya, pembangkang mula menafikan hak rakyat tempatan dengan menyamakan mereka dengan PATI.. selepas pilihanraya barulah pembangkang akan timbulkan balik isu kononnya masih ramai penduduk dipedalaman yang belum memiliki kad pengenalan..
Deletewhy only now opposition leaders questioned about this move while NRD actually had already run such programme every years?? it because of 13th general election which expected to be held this year??