Saturday, 31 March 2012

Luyang YB storms out of Assembly

KOTA KINABALU: Luyang Assemblywoman Melanie Chia Chui Ket stormed out of the State Legislative Assembly hall yesterday after she cannot able to give her comments on the amendment made to Section 10A (2) of the Land Acquisition Ordinance.

The Land Acquisition Ordinance (Aamendment) Bill tabled by Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister's Department Datuk Radin Malleh was passed by the August House yesterday.

Deputy Speaker Datuk Johnny Mositun explained that he didn't see her when she stood up as he was looking the other way.

Speaking to reporters outside the hall later, Melanie said the amendment seemed to be very straighforward and simple to many Barisan Nasional (BN) backbenchers but it could bring about repercussions.

She said she had wanted to object to the words “the person interested in the land" in Section 10A (2).

"These words should be comitted to protect public interest," she said.

New Sabah Times
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Page 6


  1. Unable to make any comments regarding this matter or not allowed to make any comments? I'm confused with this piece.

  2. The Land and Survey Department claimed that the Land Ordinance is still relevant therefore it is not necessary to have a tribunal for Native Lands. Hopefully they are able to resolve the problems regarding the NCR lands.

  3. isu NCR pasti dpt diselesaikan. SLO masih lagi releven.

  4. Storm atau tidak PRU13 penentu

  5. they already know what kind of comments you will make..
