Thursday, 5 April 2012

SAPP sets up new Mudanita wing

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has approved the setting up of a new wing called "Mudanita" for young women members aged between 18 and 35.

Supreme Council member, Philicica Tong, had been appointed as the wing chief.

According to her, Mudanita had formed its liaison committee during its inaugural meeting last Saturday.

"We invite young women to contribute their energy and ideas in fighting for the people," she said.

The rest of the Mudanita committee members are Siti Suryani Abdul Lamit and Khau Kha Wui (vice chiefs), Elsiavena Molly Sonny (secretary), Pathlyn Leosie M Mikat (treasurer), Penny Ginsu (information chief), Amy Amanda Ginsu (assistant organising secretary), Rosminie Ag Dami (assistant secretary), Allison Lo (assistant information chief) and members Sherine Chong, Wendy Chia, Phyllis Moluntang, Noranizah Mausar and Nur Fadilah Kassim.

Daily Express
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Page 6


  1. This is to show that women contribution also important in a party.

  2. Nampaknya ramai juga wanita yang turut bergiat dalam politik.

  3. It is a good thing if women are considered equally important.

  4. We need the women to be able to decide on affairs concerning Sabah.

  5. Women are becoming active in politics.

  6. it is a good thing to encourage the youths to fight for their rights and that of the state.

  7. Let them take it serious and not been persuaded simply for the money.

  8. tgklah bagaimana mudanita ini bergerak.

  9. SAPP mula mengerakkan parti mereka dengan sayap baru mereka iaitu Mudanita.

  10. Ada sayap pun belum tentu terbang tinggi

  11. Mudanita SAPP should be given a chance to join the contest for the next general election since they are fresh, young and have a clean political background..
