Thursday, 5 April 2012

Allowing Rela members to wear police uniforms will create more problems-SAPP

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has censured the federal government's proposal to allow the People's Volunteer Corps (Rela) members to wear police uniforms, describing it as dubious.

Its information chief Chong Pit Fah, claimed that if implemented, such a move would create more problems rather than helping the security forces like the police to maintain law and order.

He said it would especially have a far-reaching impact on Sabah in view of the presence of a great number of 'dubious citizens' who are originally illegal immigrants from the neighbouring countries, who have obtained their Malaysian citizenship through dubious means.

Chong claimed to have reliably learnt that many of them had joined Rela.

"What will happen if this group of bogus citizens-turned-Rela members decline to apprehend illegal immigrants and start harassing the locals instead?

"Do we want these people to harass the locals in the near future? Only mindless leaders would allow this to happen," he pointed out. 

Chong was responding to the Home Ministry’s plan to table a new law governing Rela at the next session of the Dewan Rakyat, which among others, would allow Rela members to wear police uniforms with Rela badges.

Deputy Home Minister Lee Chee Leong had told reporters in Alor Setar that the ministry is still discussing the matter with the attorney-general.

Rela was established under the Emergency Ordinance which has since been repealed. 

Lee said there are almost three million Rela members throughout the country or one out of 10 Malaysians has joined the corps.

Chong feared that this might cause confusion among the general public, citing that it would be difficult for them to differentiate between a police personnel and a Rela member wearing police uniforms.

The Borneo Post
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Page A9


  1. Pasukan Rela adalah program sukarelawan, mereka hanya bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga keamanan tetapi tidak mempunyai kuasa seperti polis yang sah. Oleh itu, mereka tidak perlu memakai baju seragam polis, t-shirt Rela sudah mencukupi.

  2. Mereka yang mengikuti program Pasukan Rela perlu faham peranan mereka dan pastikan mereka tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa mereka bila beroperasi.

  3. Perkara ini baru dalam peringkat cadangan. Pasti kerajaan membuka ruang kepada rakyat untuk memberi pandangan mereka.

  4. More issues about Rela:-The Malaysian Bar has consistently been calling for Rela to be disbanded because its services are no longer needed in the modern era of professional policing and community-based policing, and its abuses arising from poor recruitment, screening and training — the problems of which are too difficult to overcome short of disbanding it.

  5. The government should have to initiate a better and workable program for RELAS.

  6. It is a dubious if Rela members are allowed to wear police uniforms.

  7. How are we supposed to differentiate btw Rela and the police this way?

  8. This might possibly cause more chaos than ever.

  9. Are the people safe this way?

  10. Pasukan RELA banyak membantu jika ada sebarang masalah yang berlaku. tapi rasanya tidak perlukan pakai baju seragam polis, yang sekarang mereka pakai pun sudah cukup, itu pendapat saya.

  11. Perkara ini baru di cadangkan, kerajaan pasti akan mendengar pendapat rakyat juga berkenaan hal ini.

  12. RELA tidak harus menyalahgunakan kuasa mereka yang di berikan.

  13. Rela dah ada pakaian seragam sendiri, jadi gunakan pakaian sendiri. ini adalah identiti mereka.

  14. Tidak patut RELA memakai pakaian seragam polis. Sebaiknya biarkan RELA dengan pakaian sendiri yang hijau itu.

  15. Masing2 mempunyai bidang kuasa yang tersendiri. Lagi pun masing2 mempunya uniform tersendiri. Jadi tidak perlu rela guna uniform polis.

  16. anggota polis setuju ka yang anggota Rela menggunakan uniform mereka??
