Monday 9 April 2012

Rift in KDM Malaysia?

THE ouster of Datuk John Ambrose as KDM Malaysia president clearly indicates that the KDM community in Penampang does not subscribe to the existence of Umno in the Penampang constituency.

Why do we in Penampang need the presence of Umno when we already have PBS, UPKO, PBRS and a number of KDM NGOs that strived all these years to assist and look after the KDM affairs.

After all most of the KDM political Parties are Barisan Nasional components. If they cannot champion the cause of the KDM, then why in the BN?

We appreciated the efforts made by Datuk John Ambrose in initiating the formation of Umno division and KDM Malaysia in Penampang.

Maybe because knowing that the present KDM leaders like Pairin, Dompok, Kurup and others are no longer relevant despite being in the Barisan Nasional(BN).

Maybe, to Datuk, John Ambrose, the presence of Umno in a KDM area can help boost more development for the KDM communities.
One good example, the cries from the BN Components in Sabah for the formation of RCI to solve the PTI issue in Sabah has fallen on deaf ears in Kuala Lumpur. We hope Datuk John Ambrose can help solve the impending problems?

As an NGO, KDM Malaysia should continue functioning. With the new leadership headed by Datuk Peter Anthony, KDM Malaysia should be able to voice the plights of the KDM communities as a whole.

KDM Malaysia should not be involved in any political activities, but to concentrate in its mission to help KDM community. Datuk Peter Anthony, the cards now are in your hands sir.

Bahari Aship

The Borneo Post
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Page A13


  1. The government should look into this matter.

  2. Let them continue to function.

  3. Functional if it works for the betterment of the people.

  4. They have to remain active so as to concentrate in the mission to assist the community.

  5. Let’s see what they are capable of.

  6. Pilih president yang terbaik

  7. lagi banyak persatuan yang memperjuangkan satu2 kaum lagi bagus ba.. bagi saya lagi bagus kalau ada 10 persatuan yang memperjuangkan suku kaum KDM..
